New Logo in 2024

Cambridge Resthaven Trust has a new logo
The new logo has been designed to reflect the local character, community heart and modernising of our organisation.
Why have we changed the logo?
Cambridge Resthaven Trust was established over 50 years ago by the community for the community and we have the distinction of being the only not-for-profit organisation providing a retirement village and aged care in Cambridge. As Cambridge has grown, we have grown too, and, in recent years, have expanded to provide a greater range of services and facilities for the community.
In a community survey at the end of 2023, we asked for feedback on how we are perceived and how we can continue to serve our community effectively. Survey feedback included the suggestion to raise awareness that Cambridge Resthaven operates as a trust.
The new logo design
The new logo has been designed to better communicate who we are and how we are different.
The words in the logo - The four words now included in the new logo ‘Cambridge Resthaven Community Trust’ help convey the unique nature of our organisation, as a totally, locally Cambridge organisation with an ethos to ensure every dollar goes to supporting our residents and the wider Cambridge community.
The curve incorporated at the bottom of the logo – The curve is the characteristic curve featured in the original Resthaven logo and continues the link to our roots and our long history in Cambridge.
The new logo will be the ‘parent’ logo for Cambridge Resthaven Trust, while the original Resthaven logo (which incorporates the image of the water tower next to the care centre in Vogel Street) will continue to be the logo for the Resthaven on Vogel facility.